How to quickly remove belly and flanks at home?

To get rid of the big belly they want and men and women

Have you noticed on your sides and waist extra folds and can't button your favorite jeans? It's time to get in shape: to remove belly fat and fight the excess fat. How to remove belly fat in a short time become the owner of seductive shapes (or press with 6 cubes, if you are a man)? This article contains the most effective exercises and nutrition tips, because without a proper diet on a flat belly can be forgotten.

To get rid of the big belly they want and men and women

7 simple tips for a beautiful waist

Avoid stress

In stressful situations in the body and increases the level of cortisol, a hormone which prolonged high rates contributes to the accumulation of belly fat. Use proven tools for calming: Valerian extract, motherwort, teach loved ones to do relaxing massage.

Positive emotions will help with the correction

Limit consumption of alcoholic beverages

Limit consumption of alcoholic beverages

Alcohol also increases the amount of cortisol and contributes to the appearance of body fat in the waist area. In addition, during the reception of alcohol it becomes difficult to control hunger.

To remove belly fat, you should give up alcohol

Especially dangerous beer, which contains phytoestrogens, also contribute to fat deposition. You watched so-called "beer belly"? If you have decided to fight for a thin waist, the beer is better to completely eliminate from the diet. The same applies to the "club" cocktails like Pina colada or a Mojito – they have a lot of sugar. If alcohol cannot be avoided, drink a dry white wine.

Exclude from the diet of high-calorie foods

Unfortunately, differently from the extra ballast to get rid of. If you want to remove excess fat from the sides and abdomen, is to sit on a diet a couple of weeks .

Remember: to lose weight, you need to expend more calories than you consume. To get rid of 1 kilogram, you should create in the organism the deficit of 7,000 calories. It would probably be easier to give up a hearty dinner, than to run the Park for three hours.

Less starch, more fiber

The diet should include more green and red vegetables, but ensure that they do not contain starch. Fiber contained in vegetables helps to reduce weight. Its fibers fill the stomach, and the person is not hungry. Also diversify the diet of wild or brown rice, poultry and fish.

For weight loss choose more vegetables
For weight loss choose more vegetables

Make a list of brake products

Remove from the diet any meat cooked on the fire and cook for a couple. Forget about fast food, chips and crackers, milkshakes, ice cream – instead, prepare healthy snacks: slices of carrots or green apples, fresh berries.

If you are thirsty, drink plain water: half-liter bottle of green tea contains about 135 calories, soda of the same volume contains more than 200 kcal. Itself Coca-Cola will not lead to obesity, according to a popular myth about soda, but for those who want to lose weight, it is better to abandon it.

Not all fruits are equally useful

Avoid fruits with a high content of fructose, which is quickly "saturate" the liver glycogen and only fuelling the appetite: pomegranate, cherries, grapes (seedless), banana, watermelon, pear, dried fruit: raisins, dried apricots, figs, mango.

Drink plenty of water

During the day drink at least 2 litres of water. Water speeds up metabolism, removes toxins. And with poor metabolism get rid of fat almost impossible. If bad works excretory system – take diuretic fees. To remove belly fat, water exchange should be very active.

Unfortunately, all these actions will be useless without exercise. To quickly remove belly fat and to tone muscle, you need every day to do two simple exercises: to hula-Hoop and rock press.

Exercises with a Hoop

Start training with Hoop – so you prepare your abdominal muscles to exercises for abs.

Daily 10 minutes with a Hoop to improve blood circulation and metabolism, normalizes lymph circulation in problem areas (which is indispensable in the fight against flanks and cellulite). 10 minutes of the torsion wrap burned about 100 calories. Over time, the duration of the exercise "Hoop" can be increased to 30 minutes.

It is advisable to wrap for weight loss were equipped with massage balls. For their first workout can be painful, so it is best to wrap the waist with cloth belt, otherwise you're at risk for bruising. The beginner is better to pay attention to light hoops, weighing up to 1.5 kg.

If you just twist the Hoop for you too boring, we offer you a video with a dynamic set of exercises aimed at overall improvement.

After a workout with a Hoop go to exercises for abs.

Exercises on press. Main

Important! If you swing the press without adhering to a strict diet, you will achieve the opposite effect: the abdominal muscles will increase and only visually increase the stomach.

When torquenti should not be too high to raise the body enough to rise to 45 degrees from the floor. To press the chin to the neck should not like to strain the neck: the rise must be due to the abdominal muscles.

Follow the breath: the rise of the hull shall be carried out on the EXHALE.

It is important to perform exercise at least until the so-called sense of "sensation": from that moment the press begins to be pumped. Each approach is worth its weight in gold.

After exercises on press again for 10 minutes, then move the Hoop to secure the result.

How to remove belly fat at home?

There are specially designed exercises for a flat stomach, which are easy to perform at home and achieve excellent results. A selection of exercises that work out all muscle groups of the abdominals.

Exercise 1

A selection of exercises

Starting position – lying on back, hands behind his head. Lift the body and simultaneously pull your knees to your chest and heel to the buttocks. As much as possible gather in the stomach. Straighten one leg (it stays on weight), and the knee of the other leg pull up to the opposite elbow. Then, the other knee to other elbow. Such approaches make 20.

Exercise 2

Starting position – on his side, legs slightly bent at the knees. Lying on your left side to the right twist a bit body around its own axis. Stretch your hands to the soles of the feet, with tear off the floor knees and shoulder blades. Hold the pose for a minute. Then do the same exercise lying on the other side. Do 20 approaches.

Exercise 3

Starting position – on your back, legs bent, resting on the floor, lower back pressed to the floor, arms along the body. On the exhale maximally lift the pelvis up and pull your stomach. Hold the pose for 30-40 seconds. Then slowly lower the pelvis on the floor. Repeat the exercise 20 times.

Exercise 4

Starting position – on the back

Starting position – on your back, knees pulled up to chest, arms extended, palms pressed to the floor. Slightly lift the buttocks and thigh move in the right direction, keep your knees together without dropping to the floor. Returning to the original position, do the same in the opposite direction. Do 20 approaches.

Exercise 5

Starting position – on your back with your legs bent at the knees.Knees one way and his hands another. Thus, you will twist the body in opposite directions. Then repeat the exercise, throwing knees to the other side, and hands in the opposite direction. Do 20 exercises.

Physical exercise is recommended to anyone who would like to reduce weight without harm to health, including young mums.

How to remove the lower abdomen?

One of the problem areas many women is the lower abdomen. What exercises will help restore the elasticity of the lower abdomen?

Traditional exercises on the lower part of the press: rising to the vertical legs of the position – lying on his back, raising up pelvis with simultaneous lifting up of the legs, and tailbone off the floor.

Common mistake when lifting to help himself with his feet, which leads to strain on the hip joints and leg muscles, not the press.

Your goal is not just to raise feet and to work and to pull it lower abdominal muscles t.. Zn. a lot of work falls on the muscles of the pelvis. When exercising, concentrate on this, you will feel a burning sensation in the abdomen – this is the result of muscular work.

Subject to the recommendations after 1.5 months strong abdominal muscles are good to keep the abdominal wall. In addition to a flat stomach, you will gain and the delicate waist of her answer the same muscle groups.

Expander for the press

Expander for the press

If you want to achieve the result as quickly as possible, you can include in the training program exercises with the expander. Their advantage lies in the simultaneous inclusion of several groups of muscles.

So, it is very popular elastic simulator for the press, which allows you to make the stomach firm and taut, and at the same time to strengthen the back muscles, legs and buttocks, relieving the spine from the harmful load.

Exercise 1

Lie on the floor and lock legs. Hands grasp the handle and pull it to his chest. Raise your legs at an angle of 90 degrees, and pull the handle. Keep your feet on the floor until the end, leave about 5-6 inches to the floor. Exercise is good for the upper abdominals.

Exercise 2

Sit on the floor and straighten your legs. Holding the handle, slowly lean back until your head reaches the floor, then return to starting position. Exercise well pumps lower abs.

Exercise 3

On the exhale, simultaneously lift your upper body and bend at the knees

On the exhale, simultaneously lift your upper body and bend at the knees, bringing him to handle.

But do not forget about classes and proper nutrition. After all, a flat stomach is a lifestyle. Only regular exercise and a well composed diet will help you to save the result.